backupProjects (all platforms)
This small tool works from the command line but also with a small GUI in Maya. I wrote this one since it bugged me that Windows offers so little options while copying.
This small python programm is more efficient, it only copies newer files and automatically skips the rest.
It’s run from within Maya with a GUI or from the command line :
Linux/Mac :
python bk_backupProjects.pyc -s ~/Desktop/backuptool -t ~/Desktop/toCopy -i py txt -e mel pdf
Windows :
python.exe “bk_backupProjects.pyc” -s C:\MayaScripts\toolsToSell -t C:\MayaScripts\toolsToSell2 -i py txt -e mel pdf
-s : source path
-t : target path
-i : tags behind -i(include) will be copied, even if they’re also tagged as excluded
-e : exclude tags